
I had a dream last night.. something unusual to happen yet it feels real somehow. His fam slept over on our house but I can't remember what his dad said to me when were at dining area. It's like a piece of advice. They slept on my room. We (him) were still not in good term to talk but what the hell was that? While on the middle of my dream I said to myself that t'was just a dream and then I woke up. I woke up with uneasy feeling. I can't figure out wth that dream are for.


Hayyy.. is it just my anxiety again? While am helping myself to build up again here's my anxiety try to battle with me.

Sometimes I am thinking about to kill myself just to end this but everytime I think about why I risk everything Am still trying to hold back. And now just a one dream that I encountered last night made me feel sick again.

Is this part of something to endure the pain within myself? I'm tired.

Tired of being hurt.

Tired of being sad.

Tired of being myself.

Tired of everthing..

I don't know what to do anymore.


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